Monday, 30 April 2012

Spring Fever Art Attack

It has been a very busy few weeks ,I have had several things on the go and have been neglecting my blog .  I have been putting together a cardboard packet for an art swap I'm participating in with some on line friends ,Although we have never met we all love creating art and sharing our unique creations ,We are sending our packets to 5 other people who are each going to make art for each other .In the end we will get our packets backs full of amazing art from around the world made by other amazing artists ,I am so excited to be a part of this swap 


  1. I was the honored recipient of this wonderful Urban Art you created and cant stop looking at it!!!! Well done, and keep creating Debbie.
    your online cyber♥Debi

  2. Thats MY gorgous cardboard art...I love her...I have wondered what is going on in your art world??? Dont you just love all the swapping...I do...
    congratulations on your art opportunities...what wonderful news....
    Also I am nominating you for the Versatile Blog award..details on my blog coming soon...see you then..♥Debi
